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Wednesday, 20 April 2011

When do you think we will start using water to power cars?

Are cars already running on water?


If they did exist

Cars powered by water would initially be a hybrid electric car , which will use hydrogen ions liberated from water into the cars "gas" tank, the resultant gas would be from the exhaust as steam.

It seems simple but due to the explosive nature of hydrogen gas, this big factor is best left for scientists and engineers to fathom.

Prediction two, so we know water powered cars will use hydrogen derived from water to sustain power, these car will ultimately need to be powered using a hydrogen fuel cell.

Photo Credit: Hugo90
GM Electrovan 1966

After extensive research the closest that I came to finding a car powered by water, was the Garrett electrolytic carburetor ( not pictured above) which was alleged to run for a few minutes, but that was in 1955!
The picture above is a 1966 General motors elcrovan, the first model they produced that contained a hydrogen fuel cell.

To produce a car which can run on water, it would use hydrogen from water as a carrier of energy but not produce it directly.

In terms of producing energy a radio frequency can be used to liberate hydrogen ions, but this can be a cause for concern, because at the wrong frequency , it may produce a detonation effect, so the car could travel miles but just not in a forward direction as you expect. It would be more of upward and outward!

Although there are claims all over the Internet of people actually running cars on water, do not buy into these claims as it is yet to be discovered and completely credited as working.

If you know of any water powered cars please post in the comments below, with the following template:

The name of the Car:
It can be bought from car company:
Its top speed:
miles/gallon data if you please:

I'll update this post as more positive evidence is found, so check back soon.
Thanks for Reading.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Where does wind energy come from?

Wind Power is usually split into two types, offshore and land based operations.

Most of the wind energy produced  for power needs comes from wind farms, great big windmill type contraptions produce electricity because as the wind blows it turns the blades on a shaft, which powers a generator.

Photo credit: Peter Heilmann

I can rightly predict that the use of wind power will greatly increase in the future, it has been recently demonstrated that wind turbines can be extremely robust.

In March 2011 , a Japanese Earthquake on the eastern part of the country caused mass devastation, not only to the power infrastructure, but in the hearts and minds of the people who live there and the world over.
It is a known fact that the regions wind farms and other wind powered capabilities remained in tact.
Wind Power is designed to convert renewable sources of energy and it did just that.

Wind Circulation

Wind energy is mechanical energy, the rotating movement of the blades of the windmill produces electricity through a generator.

The wind is formed by the heating and cooling effects of the suns rays, the air rotates in high and low pressure which generates wind.

Depending  on the type of wind pressure that is generated,whether it is a cool breeze on your face, different capacity of the strength of wind is formed in different parts of the world, this power goes to producing an effective source of untapped energy, for use by us in the form of heating and lighting.

Photo Credit: .Swallowtail.

Texas has the largest onshore (on land) wind farms in the world, by the end of 2007 they were producing 16,596 MW of power which is the equivalent to powering 5 million homes based on average household consumption.

Solar energy power is more preferable to wind energy as the yield of energy is much better, but this is likely to change through the power of wind power technologies, which will need to become more cost effective to gain higher yields.

To have wind power for your home, usually a wind turbine power system is installed, this is currently the only way to use wind energy for direct use into your home. 

Monday, 21 March 2011

Will alternative energy sources solve our power problems?

Alternative energy is a way to reduce dependance on fossil fuels and be a pioneer of new technology which we can produce. The benefit far outweighs the costs in terms of caring for the planet and the persons well being, it just feels right.

 Photo credit: janie.Hernandez55 

Alternative energy is usually classified as wind power, geothermal power, solar power and hydroelectric systems.There may be many more such as harnessing the power of earthquakes and volcanoes but these technologies are  not currently available for you to use in your home.

The current demand for fossil fuels is not sustainable, as we progress into the future.Most of todays burning of fossil fuels is the burning of coal in energy plants to produce heating and electricity. Every day there is an increasing demand for oil.

In terms of oil expense, not only do governments dictate what we spend on oil, but the demand of oil is very tightly controlled, with unrenewable energy sources such as oil we have to ignore the ethics of obtaining that energy because the product has to be obtained regardless of the value of a country's political aims or practices which seem unethical to the majority of the population.

Large scale alternative energy sourses whether they are offshore or land based can produce a significant amount of energy, in Texas for example wind energy can account for the capacity of supplying the average hoome electricity demand to up to 5million households.
On smaller scales even more people are seeing the benefit of Solar energy via the use of solar panels for their use in DIY heating.

Scale that down to you local neghbouruseage because it is using something that is already readily available, i.e it did not take millions of years to produce as with oil or coal, so is not seen as more difficult to access.
Renewable energy is all around us, the wind, the sea, the sunlight and in heat from the earth. By using various technologies we are able to capture this energy and turn it into something we can use such as heating and lighting for our homes.

Although the immediate switch to alternative energy as a country is not now a viable option, because the infastructure to support this is not there. Many people are feeling the benefit of switching their own homes to renewable alternative energy.

We can say that our over reliance on fossil fuels such as coal will need to clean up as it were, we need more efficient ways of burning coal and a strict monitor of the environmental and human health impacts, if we are the phase out this addiction of fossil fuels.
I suspect a lot of people are not under the illusion that reliance on fossil fuels can be a long term plan, the onslaught of climate change is affecting the way we live and it is imperative that we are able to access clean energy not only for the survival of the planet but for the next generation, who may have to leave this rock we call earth some day.

There is an argument against switching to alterntive power,is there a point of switching to a new form of power that will be much much more expensive than previous method?
In order to smooth the way into using renewables, it is simultaneously beneficial to try to make our current energy sources more efficient, in doing this the power we source from our environment can decrease so therfore decreasing the impact we make when extracting fossil fuels from the earth.

Simple things such as having energy efficient washing machines or proper insulatiod windows can have a largere impact if whole neighbourhoods and countrys were involved.
On a country wide scale,simply redesigning the way our power gets to one another can also reduce dependancy on fossil fuels , a more modern layout of grid system can maybe reduce power outages which could affect a whole country as we have seen with the Japan power rationing after the massive march 2011 earthquake.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Can Solar panels save me money?

Solar panels can actually make you money, as you might do well when you sell the house because people are looking for green homes, where the work has already been done.

Photo credit: AFresh1

Solar energy will be money saving depending on whether you can meet the set up cost, you are essentially creating free energy instead of having to pay for it. Solar power enables you to to create your own energy.

Over the years,the cost of setting up a home solar power system has dropped because more and more people are using it, therefore technology is more widely available.

A grid-tie inverter will enable you to feed energy back into the grid power system, in some countrys,the energy you put back into the energy grid system may be paid for by the utility company gaining benefit from your contribution, so the cost of making electricity will definitely be used to bring down the cost of what you spend.

Solar panels will save you money but it depends on where you live in the world , you may get less incentives in a county that might have low sun light levels, such as in the northern hemisphere region.

In Europe, Germany has the most users of Solar panels so there would be more incentives there than in the UK.
Solar power energy also benefits the country by producing jobs.The best way to work out if solar energy can provide you with enough power to make it worth while, is to look at how much your energy consumption is at the moment and how much of that current use will you be able to generate using solar energy.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Tank reservoir for solar energy

Tank reservoir's for solar energy come in the form of cylinders, calorifiers and heat exchange systems.
Calorifiers are the tanks are used to store hot water that has been heated by solar power, they can at around a 500 litre capacity, the larger range is from 500 litres upwards.

Solar heat exchangers transfer the heat from a reservoir( water tank) to a system such as swimming pool or your main home hot water tank, once the heat is pumped out of the system the water is then forced up the reservoir from the heat exchanger inside the tank back up to the system to be heated by solar energy .
Tank reservoirs for solar energy are usually vented or unvented systems, fed into a single or double coil unit, The tanks are insulated using polyurethane foam or wool thermal insulation. The insulation is to minimise any heat loss from the tank.

The best domestic use is for solar energy is for water heating.
For a high flow rate tank with efficient heat retention, prices usually start at 2000 euros.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Photo credit: Wild Guru Larry
Solar energy is a great example of one of the most successful forms of alternative energy, although these disadvantages mainly apply to mass produced solar panels, built on a small scale many of these disadvantages can be overcome.

- Solar power is still not available in all regions of the world

-There are hazardous by-product from the manufacture of solar power

-Expensive can take years to recover the cost although this is improving significantly

- At night you have to use solar battery which are charged during the day

- In order maximise the use of solar energy it must be installed in a sunny area, mountainous regions will be able to get less productive output than say sunny California.

- The efficiency of photovoltaic cells can be affected by cloud and pollution

-Disposing of the waste products from solar energy such as toxic batteries that may only on average last 10 years.

- Efficiency ratings of some solar panels are not as good so you need to check the the rating as some can only produce 14%

-Upfront cost compared to traditional means of energy supply. you may be able to heat the swimming pool year round, but maybe not the whole house.

- Low efficiency rates as solar energy yield through photovoltaic cells and energy transfer is low, although different forms and production methods of solar panels can change this.

- Great improvements are needed in the optical sensor array in order to increase efficiency of Solar panels.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Costs of switching to wind energy

Wind power uses the energy of the wind to generate electricity.
On a large scale wind energy is usually captured in wind farms with giant white windmills.
The cost of wind energy depends on the amount of energy you want to generate, after successful installation the residual costs are just for maintenance and repair.

The amount of benefit-cost spent on wind power is lower compared to say the same value spent on solar energy.

Depending on the proximity away from the living residence, the wind turbine can be quite noisy and the maintenance costs are quite expensive.

Photo credit: Yellowbookltd

The equipment needed for your home wind turbine:
Tail and blades
Stop Switch
Charge controllers, an ammeter and Diode
Automated control unit
Fan components such as a hub, motor and wires

Here are some checks you might want to do prior to setting up a wind power system at home:

What inverter will you need to convert your DC to AC ?

Is the location windy enough ?

What time of day will you need to switch it on ?

How big is the shaft going to be? depending on the energy you want to get out of it, this can be achieved by applying the tip speed ratio to your plans.

Generally you cannot switch to wind energy unless you live in a windy area because you need to have adequate wind strength in order to be able to turn a turbine.

The disadvantages of home wind farms is that you have to put energy into the system to get it going.

If you're planning a giant wind farm large commercial turbines cost
between 1 -3 million each at the lower range.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Solar Power for your home

Solar energy in the home involves the capturing of solar radiation from the sun for use in light and heating.
In most cases solar panels are placed on a roof of the building and the sunlight is captured and transformed into electricity.

Photo credit: A.Siegel
The benefit of using solar energy for the home is that it is cheap (you don't pay for sunlight) and long term can provide a return on investment if you decide to sell your home.
The use of solar technology is improving considerably and the costs of setting up has come down in recent years.

Before installing a solar system in your home there are costs to take into account such as the cost of installation and cost of the components.
whether you use it for heating or electricity , you may want to calculate your break even costs which means how much energy will you need to produce versus how much the amount of money spent for installation and future maintenance.

There are many subsides or tax reductions out there available from the government to help you towards the cost of your home solar power system.
This will vary from country to country.

To have solar energy set up for your home, you have a device which allows for the sunlight to be collected, the panels are made from light absorbent material and are efficient because they work constantly. The solar panels are boxes that consist of a clear sheet such as glass , with a dark absorber inside the panel at the bottom, which traps the heat , this is all contained in an insulated system to stop heat escaping .

Once the heat is trapped using rocks, water or other liquids, vents or pipes transfer it to a place where it can be stored until used.

Solar energy designed for the home are produced using photovoltaic systems.
In order to have a greater benefit from solar energy, the home has to be well insulated with energy efficient appliances to reduce energy use, a good place to start would be to try and minimise wind drafts in your home if there are any.

A good setup of your home can would typically be a 4.5 kw pv system, a 2.64kW system can also work.
Before setting up a solar system you will need to be aware of how much sun you can generate per day in your location, as this will be the ultimate decider of whether you can install a PV system that will work best for your electricity needs.
Solar panel will need to be placed in a position with a good view of the sun with minimal shadow , such as a roof.
Most solar equipment for the home is fitted using licensed engineers, this is for safety reasons.